IoT for Business

Turn your pain points into competitive advantages.


We help organisations boost the operational productivity of their capital through connecting the physical and digital parts of their business. 

This is something you know you should do, but haven’t found the right solution yet. You don’t want to invest fully in connectivity before knowing what will bring you the most value. Our IoT for Business service lets you scale fast by starting small, and our expertise in both engineering and design will give you a strong foundation with a lean approach. 


3 weeks average PoC | 85% relationship continuation


1. Let's think big and figure out ways to maximise impact.

Value is created through improvement in asset utilisation, with the digitalisation and automation of labour intensive workflows. IoT shines in these tasks.

Together, we will discover which parts of your business would benefit from being connected, and therefore what kind of system we should test.  


2. Let's start small by creating a Proof of Concept.

Quick wins are what we are after. Our modular IoT Box is engineered to generate hyper-contextual data by deploying various sensors on location. We will build and install a custom setup tailored to your needs. Then your data is collected, processed, and stored on-premises or in the cloud using the latest network technologies. 

Data enrichment and insight visualisation with analytics will give you the view of your operations you need in order to take the next steps. 


3. Scale fast knowing you hold all the information you need.

From a few devices to your complete operations, we will scale incrementally through pilot programmes. This has proven so successful for some of our clients, that they have switched over their whole operations, even in the early stages of running a pilot.

This iterative approach means that you can grow as you need, whilst course-correcting to maximise impact. 



We’ve tracked fleets of vehicles and all of their refuelling transactions. We’ve monitored the conditions of plants for a subscription model. We’ve secured railway level-crossings at a fraction of the usual cost.

So how can we help you smarten up your operations?