Product Lab

Test drive your idea before fully investing in it


Having a great idea is exhilarating. But getting it to market is a high-risk effort that takes both time and money. Our Product Lab framework gives you the answers you should know before going all in, plus you get award-winning product designers working on your vision.

Know if your product idea will resonate before developing it.



1. We take your vision and make it feel real.

An engaging process that brings your idea close to a reality, very quickly. We collaboratively build a deeper understanding of the mission, the challenge, the desired future state, and the target audience.

With a product vision statement at hand, we then create high quality designs and interactions that feel real.

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2. We measure how people respond to it.

Data-driven, but qualitative in nature. By leveraging online marketing techniques, we will see if the problem statement is the right fit for the market. Does the messaging resonate? What about the design? Which colours people prefer, and what price point gets them to “Add to Cart”?

Finally, we will interview those that engaged so that we can build deeper, more personal insights.


3. We give you the foresight to make an informed decision.

If you decide to further develop your product, you can now do so with data supporting that decision. We will analyse the data and the interviews, providing insights and strategic recommendations for the best next steps for you.

And of course, you will continue your journey with a quality design of your product to show to your stakeholders and investors.


What’s next?

Are you ready to have a chat with one of our product experts? In this discovery call, we will walk through your idea and figure out the best approach to validate it.