Kinetic sculptures for a luxury department store
Pingbell, tradition meets innovation with a bike bell smarter than the rest
Innovation & DevelopmentAndrew Spitzinnovation, proof-of-concept, prototyping, BLE, cycling, bicycle, pilot, small batch, Kickstarter, crowdfunding, IoT, internet of things, 24h FROLIC
Showcasing Intel Edison through a gesture controlled music and lighting table
Automating the process for a non-invasive method for sterilisation
A connected bike accessory that alerts kids when cycling in high risk traffic areas
Create beautiful 3D light paintings through long exposure
Interactive retail cases for Dior
Creating the effect of fog using smart glass
Securing Dutch railway level crossings at a fraction of the usual cost
Real-time translation allows strangers at airport to have a conversation
A GPS tag that gives audio tips while you visit Amsterdam
A night light that counts down the nights until your return from your trip
Motivating the elderly to be more active
A ‘smart’ chair designed to teach kids how to ice skate
Living with hearing damage